Learn how to declutter your house in one day. All it takes are the right tools and mindset.

Have you been wondering how to declutter your home fast?
You may be ready to tidy up if your home has gotten cluttered with the things you use everyday.
But, decluttering can take some time and you may have been putting it off simply because you think it’ll take too long. Which, of course, makes the problem worse.
I’m going to tell you how to declutter your house in one day.
But, let’s get one thing straight.
If your home is EXTREMELY cluttered, there’s no way you’re going to declutter it in just one day unless you have a huge team of people helping you so manage your expectations.
This is mainly getting rid of the everyday mess that has built up in the common clutter hotspots.
And, with that little bit of clarity, let’s jump into this…
How To Declutter Your House In One Day
What You’re NOT Doing
Before we talk about what you need to do, let’s discuss what you shouldn’t be doing.
As I mentioned before, this process is mainly about getting rid of surface clutter. So, you’re not going to be purging items in drawers or closets etc. Instead, you need to focus on areas like the kitchen counters and coffee table.
Next, this is not the time to deep clean. Taking the time to clean at this point will just slow you down. Plus, after you move items, you’ll probably find some dust underneath or behind where they were anyway. You can clean later.
Finally, this is also not the time to organize your clutter. You should merely be putting stuff back where it belongs. If you come across items that don’t have a home, go ahead and find a spot for them. But, the goal of this isn’t to get organized.
Great! Now, that’s out of the way, let’s move on to the steps.
1. Get Prepared
You’ll need a few supplies. So, grab some trash bags and 2 empty boxes labelled “Keep” and “Donate”.
Next, mentally prepare yourself. Those trash bags and boxes mean you’ll be getting rid of some stuff. It’s not a certainty but it might happen so if you struggle with this, give yourself permission to let things go right now.
Finally, turn on some upbeat music, a podcast or listen to an audiobook so you’re entertained throughout this whole thing.
2. Declutter Room-By-Room
Start at one end of the house, maybe the one you’ll find most satisfying to tidy up and do the following:
- Put any trash into a garbage bag
- Place items that don’t belong in that room, but you want to hold onto, in the “Keep” box
- Stash items you no longer like, want or use that are still in good condition in the “Donate” box. You may find it useful to ask yourself these 10 questions while decluttering.
- Replace items that do belong in that room in their rightful spots
Move quickly as you do this. Remember the goal is not to deep clean or organize. Just purge.
Once you’ve finished one room, move onto the next taking the boxes and trash bag with you.
If you have any items in the “Keep” box that belong to any of the other rooms you visit, put those away.
Repeat these steps in every room of your house.

3. Get Rid Of Donations
As soon as you’re done decluttering your entire home, either take the donations to the car to drop off next time you leave the house or schedule a pick-up.
I recommend the latter option because you know you’ll be getting rid of those items soon, rather than promising to drop them off soon, but driving around with them for weeks instead.
Here’s a list of places that accept donations.
4. Take Out The Trash
Put out the trash you’ve collected throughout this process.
5. Put Away Supplies
Replace any supplies you used to declutter your home e.g. extra trash bags.
If you’ve been trying to figure out how to declutter your house fast, this is the way to do it. Stick to surface level clutter and your home will look so much tidier when you’re all done.
A simple daily cleaning routine can prevent clutter from getting out of hand in the future.