Technology has become an integral part of all our lives. It powers our homes, entertains us and allows us to connect to people across the world.
You probably feel lost without your devices. You have grown used to having information at your fingertips, being able to instantly contact anyone and the ability to share every aspect of your life. No longer can you imagine a time where you can live and function without technology by your side.
While you reap the benefits of being able to access anything and anyone at all times, this dependence on devices can be detrimental. It limits the ability to think on your feet, spell simple words without relying on auto-correct and hampers interpersonal skills. If you have ever tried to interact with someone who ignores you because they are busy with their cell phone, then you know exactly what I mean. Instances such as these, can leave you feeling frustrated and annoyed.
Technology is great but it can also be terrible. Here are five powerful reasons why you should take a break from it every once in a while.
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5 Reasons To Take A Break From Technology
1. Deeper Relationships
Cell phones rule our lives. We reach for them the moment we wake up to check messages, email and social media. We take them everywhere.
You may feel as though you are fostering relationships by checking friends and family members’ social media feeds but in reality, you aren’t. Developing a relationship requires actual interaction with other people—talking and spending time with them—not looking at photos of what they did.
If your head is constantly buried in your devices, you aren’t deepening relationships with the people that surround you. Put your phone away and go outside with your kids, attend parties instead of scanning pictures of them online. You’ll get to know those people closest to you so much better and you will be glad you did.
2. Get More Done
You have a to-do list as long as your arm and you make up your mind to tackle it and get it done. But first, you check Facebook just to see if anything new and exciting happened in the world that you didn’t already hear about. Then, you end up watching videos on YouTube. Before you know it, half the day is gone and you haven’t gotten any work done yet.
Sounds familiar?
When you set limits on use of technology, you increase your productivity. Turn off the notifications on your mobile phone, and close all social media pages on your computer. Cutting out these distractions allows you to focus on the task at hand.
Use time blocking to plan your day by the hour. While it may seem rigid, this method works! My productivity sky-rocketed since I began using this technique.
Schedule specific times to check social media and emails so you eliminate all the short (or long) breaks you take between working. A digital calendar or daily planner is great for this.
3. Improve Self-Worth
Social media can leave you feeling like you are not good enough. Seeing pictures of “perfect” bodies on Instagram and picturesque homes on Pinterest lead to anxiety and frustration.
You may put more pressure on yourself and start to feel dissatisfied with where you are in life. Taking time away from the internet and social media allows you to reconnect with your inner self and appreciate what you have.
4. Enjoy Life In Real-Time
So many times, I have seen people out at restaurants taking photo after photo of their meals instead of savouring the taste of the food or they attend events and record videos to share on social media, basically watching the live show through tiny screens. Instead of truly being present and enjoying the moment and the experience, they are missing out on what is happening around them.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with snapping a few shots of a fun night out, but don’t spend the entire time doing it. Put the devices away and create memories that will last a lifetime in your mind. More often than not, you don’t take a second glance at the photos and videos you took anyway.
5. Reduce Stress
Technology allows you to take work home. You use your devices to answer the constant stream of emails or finish off projects so you can meet deadlines. The stress that you used to experience during 9-5, now follows you home 24/7.
If you continuously bring work home with you, you may find it difficult to power down at the end of the day. You may even associate home with work. To avoid this, leave work at the office. Switch off work devices before you get home and, if you can, leave them at work altogether.
Your home should be a sanctuary, a place of peace, not remind you of your office troubles as soon as you walk through the door.
As a blogger, I completely understand how difficult it is to step away from technology. I am definitely reliant on devices to ensure my posts reach the world. But, because of that experience, I also know how much I need to take a break every once in a while.
Breaking habits that you have developed over several years will not be easy but I assure you, spending time away from technology helps you achieve a more balanced life.