Financial freedom sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it?
We live in a world of mortgages, car payments, student loans and credit card balances so it’s not surprising that we have surrendered to the fact that debt is just part of our lives.
But does it have to be?
It is possible to be debt free and to spend your money on things that matter to you. Things that help you and your family feel good and create memories that will last a lifetime. Imagine a time when you are mortgage-free and you could take trips around the world whenever you wanted.
You can achieve financial freedom and here’s how…
10 Tips To Achieve Financial Freedom
1. Commit
Just like losing weight, breaking free from debt is not something that will not happen overnight. It will require resolve so the first step you need to take is to commit to achieving financial freedom.
Dig deep and find the main reason why you want to get out of debt. Maybe it’s so you can live without worrying about being able to pay your bills. Could it be so the debt collectors will stop calling? Whatever it is, write it down and place it somewhere visible—on the fridge, in your purse, even hang it on a wall. This will serve as your inspiration and motivate you to stick to your plan.
2. Create a Budget
The next step is probably the most painful. You need to take a hard look at your finances and create a budget.
This is often tough because many of us are in complete denial or even totally clueless as to the real state of our finances. This is what lands us in financial difficulty in the first place.
Gather all of your bills. Now, write down exactly what your expenses are each month plus what you usually spend on variables like groceries and entertainment—expenses that you won’t necessarily have a bill for. I highly recommend tracking your spending for at least a month to get a good idea of how much you spend and on what. This way you can be realistic when you go to write your expenses.
Let me warn you, this step can be shocking and a complete eye-opener. It certainly was for me. But, it’s critical to know where exactly your money is going before you can determine how to budget.
Click here for a handy Monthly Budget Workbook that you can use to create your financial plan.
3. Save For Emergencies
An emergency fund of at least $1000 is essential to avoid going further into debt. Think about it… If you spend all of your money on bills and paying off your loans, what will you do if something goes wrong and you have no money saved? Inevitably, you’ll have to borrow the money or use a credit card and doing either of those things will dig you deeper into debt.
So, while it may seem counter-productive, saving an emergency fund is necessary to achieve financial freedom. It does not have to be so difficult to save that money. You can sell items you own at a garage sale or online, get a part-time job or just use your budget to cut expenses and save that money instead.
4. No More Debt
When you’re already knee-deep in loans and bills, avoid taking on more debt. You took the first baby step by saving your emergency fund but now it’s time to get more serious about this.
If there are big items you want but can’t afford, put them on the back burner. Avoid credit cards at all costs and use cash only. Cold hard cash gives you a tangible reminder of how much you have spent. You don’t get that visual cue with credit cards. Not to mention, there’s also the high interest rates banks apply if you don’t pay your balance off in time.
5. Pare Down
In this time of plenty, we often have way more than we actually need—bigger houses, too many clothes, too many toys.
Take a look at everything you own and determine whether you really need it and use it. Can you downsize your home? Can you live comfortably with only one vehicle or get rid of personal transportation all together? These two items alone can have a big impact on the amount of insurance, taxes and utilities that you pay for monthly.
Consider trying to pare down your wardrobe and the number of toys your children own. Odds are you don’t wear half of your clothes and your children probably only play with a fraction of their toys. Take the extras that are in good condition and sell them. This money will come in very handy.
6. Cut Back
Sometimes we spend money on convenience items and services that we can do without. A latte from the coffee shop, eating out and that gym membership we never use are all expenses we can cut out. Make your coffee at home, meal plan and enjoy home-cooked meals and use a workout DVD or follow a YouTube video to exercise. There are probably several ways that you can reduce your expenses and still get to enjoy the things you love.
Occasionally, we mindlessly do things that cost us money like leaving the lights or fan on after we’ve left the room. Be aware of your habits because they could blow your budget.
7. Be Patient
Most of us want things to happen right now. We live in a fast-paced world and have grown accustomed to instant gratification. If we have to wait, we grow irritable.
You will not achieve financial freedom overnight. It may take months or even years before you see any real progress depending on how much debt you’re in. Give it time and stick to the plan. Eventually, you will see the amount you owe grow smaller and more manageable.
8. Debt Snowball
Dave Ramsey, a financial expert, promotes a debt-payoff method called the Debt Snowball. This is where you pay off the smallest debt you owe while paying the minimums for any other loans. After that loan is paid, take that money and put it towards the next smallest debt. Continue doing this until all of your loans are paid.
This method allows you to see progress providing you with the motivation you need to keep going.
Use the Debt Snowball Calculator to see how fast this method will help you get out of debt.
9. Get Professional Help
If you find you are really struggling to get a handle on your finances, talk to a financial advisor. Go to your local bank or credit union and speak to one there about your situation.
People avoid talking about their financial difficulties because they’re embarrassed. You don’t have to be! This is their job and they have probably heard hundreds of stories from people just like you. They are there to help you so take advantage of it.
10. Celebrate Milestones
Digging your way out of debt is not an easy task so congratulate yourself every step of the way. Celebrate every milestone you can find and realize that you are doing what it takes to reach financial freedom. This will mean great things for you and your family so you should be proud! Whether you eat a piece of homemade cake, drink some wine or just break out into your happy dance, pat yourself on the back every chance you get.
It is possible to be debt-free. It is possible to spend your money on what you want and not just bills and loan repayments. Financial freedom is accessible to you and now you know how to get there.
The first thing I thought when I saw the photo of the house, for point 5, was how tired I would feel driving up to that house! I am so happy not being saddled with a house three times bigger than what we need!
I’m glad the photo got my point across lol. People sometimes think bigger is better but that is certainly not the case when you have a massive house you struggle to maintain and can barely afford!